
We are a creation subject to our environment  

   Startiong Point

 Environmental surroundings mould personal perceptions

that in turn create the values that govern behaviour which measures the levels of acceptance by others.

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Her mother passed away from cancer in September 2000, just after the opening of the Sydney Olympics, and Vili privately vowed to prove herself on the Olympic stage to honour her memory. Vili turned to Hellier (coach) for emotional support, and the coach/athlete relationship became a tighter bond. Vili also moved into the house shared by Hellier and her husband.

ESPN study in 2002 estimated that a Samoan is 40 times more likely to reach the NFL than a boy growing up in the 50 states.

His parents were unmarried teens; his father a Samoan and his mother of Northern European stock. They gave him up for adoption soon after birth. After nine months in a foster home, he was adopted by a family living in San Diego.